Sunday, December 29, 2019

Scarlet Fever - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1070 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/09/22 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Scarlet Fever By: Rachael Zabkar In Frankentstein, a gothic novel written my Mary Shelley, scarlet fever was a huge part in the main plot line. Scarlet fever was a common disease during the time Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein. Scarlet fever was particularly common in children and was fatal and deadly. It was a disease that affected many children and hat many sympotms, causes and stages (Bunch 54). In the modern world we live in with modern medicine its not as common, however, back then if you were to get this disease, you were deemed tainted and couldnt be touched due to the fact that it was extremely contagious and no one wanted to be exposed to the disease. In Frankenstein, the scarlet fever plays a big role in the plot of the story and puts a lot of extra stress on Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the monster. One could argue that scarlet fever is kind of the start of a series of e events that lead to another event thats twice as bad as the last one. Its a chain rea ction and the scarle fever starts it off. Victors family adopts Elizabeth, who then gets infected by the scarlet fever. Elizabeth then proceeds to give the disease to Caroline, Victors mother. Caroline then dies from the scarlet fever while Elizabeth survives. This causes Victor conficting feelings because he loves Elizabeth so hes happy she survives, however, he is sad because his mother did not survive. So, he is feeling love for Elizabeth while at the same time he has to mourn the death of his mother. After Caroline dies, Justine is convicted for Victor brothers murder due to the fact that Justine had Carolines neckalce that Victors brother had in his possesion. Everyone knew Justine liked the necklace so they blamed her, when really the montster put the necklace in her clothing, her being unaware of the situatin. The disease could be the start to everything because after Caroline dies from it, all the other bad things start happening such as Justine being convicted innocen tly and Victors brother being murdered by the monster. The fact that the scarlet fever kills Caroline creates a lot of tension with Victor and puts extra stress on him. Scarlet fever is a fairly common disease, especially in children. Scarlet fever is named for the flushing of the face that it causes. This disease is caused by the same kind of streptococus bacteria that causes strep throat. Scarlet fever, also called scarlatina used to be widespread among children because its a contagious and infectious disease. Today the causes are rare. The symptoms of this disease are sore throat, chills, fever, vomiting and a characteristic bright red rash of the skin on the face, neck, chest and abdoment. Another sympotom is a farily rapid pulse. This disease has an incubation period of three to five days. Symptoms tend to begin on day two. If this disease is untreated however, it infects the heart and becomes rheumatic fever, no longer being scarlet fever. If it infects the kidneys it th en becomes giomerulanephritis. (Bunch 55) Today, it can be treated with antibiotics that kill the bacteria and a full recovery is expected. The fever will start to go away quickly with treatment however, even with antibiotics the rash will last up to 3 days. Antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria that causes the throat infection. This is crucial to prevent rheumatic fever, a serious complication of strep throat and scarlet fever. Vorvick) The biggest mistake made when diagnosing the disease is by paying too much attention to the rash and not the throat. In many cases no rash appears at all; the throat is the thing to watch. Six days after a child is exposed to scarlet fever there will be a rise in fever and a sore throat. And In most cases,a day or so later a fine scarlet rash will appear and the patient should be quarantined;which usually lasts four to six weeks. Complete isolation is required in order to control scarlet fever. The recovering of a patient is judged by the scalin g of the rash,but the throat is the thing to watch. (Scarlet Fever and History of) Husband and wife Gladys Henry Dick and George Frederick Dick developed a vaccine in 1924 that was later eclipsed by penicillin in the 1940s. (Scarlet Fever-Treatment) Alphonse Raymond Dochez (April 21, 1882-June 1964) was an American physician and disease researcher. He developed an antitoxin for scarlet fever and definitively established that viruses cause the common cold. Also, in Frankenstein, Alphonse is the name of Victors father. (Tulalit) Even though scarlet fever was a big scare for people back then, especially children, and some adults, it has become a common disease that is easilty treatable. If not treated withtin a timely manner however, scarlet fever will turn into rheumatic fever which starts the infection of the heart. If that is left untreated, the disease then becomes giomerulanephritis which is the infection of the kidneys. Today, scarlet fever is treated with antibiotics that kill the bacteria and the rash should go away in 3-4 days. When Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein scarlet fever was definitely something to be afraid of and killed a percentage of the population. The children with it were quarentined and not to be touched, due to the fact that its extremely contagious and is spread through skin on skin contact. When Elizabeth gets the scarlet fever in Frankenstein it puts a lot of stress on Victor. Then, when Elizabeth gives it to Caroline, Victors mother, it puts even more stress on him. When Elizabeth survives and Caroline dies Victor has conflicting feelings. The scarlet fever was the start of a series of unfortunate events that tend to unfold in Frankenstein. Scarlet fever has come a long way in the last decade going from a dealy disease in children that caused many deaths to a fairly common disease that can be treated with antibiotics and full recovery. Scarlet fever also played a huge role in Frankenstein and really set the tone the author intended, setting the story out to be a tragedy. BIBLIOGRAPHY Scarlet Fever Diseases. Bryan Bunch. Volume 7. Danbury, Conneticut: Groiler Educational. Pg 54-55. Linda Vorvick. Scarlet Fever-Treatment. University of Maryland Medical Center. David Zieve, 2008. Web. May 30, 2010. Scarlet Fever and History of Oldcure. com. Phillip Johnson, 2007. Web. May 30, 2010. Kami Tulalit. Alphonse Dochez RightHealth. com. Health. com, 2005. Web. June 1, 2010. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Scarlet Fever" essay for you Create order

Saturday, December 21, 2019

12 Years a Slave Themes - 1497 Words

12 Years a Slave Assignment The pain and abuse experienced by Solomon Northrup in his 12 years of slavery, like the millions of other slaves who were kidnapped in Africa and sold across the U.S., is a tragic example of the pain one society can inflict upon another group of people. The movie 12 Years A Slave graphically portrays the horrors of slavery in America, and demonstrates the shame of the system, using the incredible irony in the story of Solomon Northrup. Since he had a dpcument that said he was a free black man, he was treated by others as a fellow man, but after he was kidnapped he was considered property, like an animal. There was no change in Solomon himself as a person; only a corrupt system declared that he could now be†¦show more content†¦Also, after noticing another female slave crying endlessly, he told her that â€Å"You let yourself be overcome by sorrow, you will drown in it†. Clearly Northrup tried his best to maintain his dignity, but prior to t he exciting conclusion of his story, there is a very telling scene. Solomon was playing violin at a dance for his master and their friends. The violin represented for him a human experience, as he was able to accomplish more than just picking cotton, and the sound of an instrument is one of the most powerful human experiences. Although, at this ball, as he plays, the sorrowful background music of the movie plays over his song, and clouds out the sound of his violin. After the ball Solomon smashed his violin into thousands of pieces. He recognized that even in a very human activity, he was still serving his master, and the music he played and everything he felt as a result of the music, all belonged to his owner. Despite the dramatization, it still vividly shows the despicable dehumanization suffered by slaves, and even those who tried to maintain their human dignity, eventually had everything stripped away. The slaves who had their humanity taken away were abused so greatly by their masters that for a viewer, it was hard to imagine these masters as human, just as they thought of their slaves. Especially further down the Mississippi, like at Northrup’s plantation in Louisiana, the masters treated their slaves soShow MoreRelatedTheme For History B 12 Years A Slave2487 Words   |  10 Pages HIST 2111 26 April 2015 Theme for History B 12 Years a Slave is an emotionally driven movie and book that exemplifies the painful truths of slavery. Slaves were killed, raped, hanged, and were viewed as property with no heart or soul. The scenes of beatings taken place, and slaves being hung, will make any hearted witness grimace and cringe in despair. This particular genre of entertainment is needed in order to inform and teach the history and stories behind the slave trade. It gives a vivid insightRead MoreAnalysis Of Django Unchained And 12 Years A Slave1543 Words   |  7 Pagesmovie Django Unchained and how it took a somewhat satirical approach on slavery and how slaves were treated in the 19th century. But when I saw 12 Years a Slave, and how it took a more serious approach on how slavery was in the 19th century. There were a lot of compare and contrasts that came up as I finished watching both films. So nonetheless, this is a double feature analysis on Django Unchained and 12 Years a Slave. Here I will summarize and d iscuss about the two movies and how they’ve impacted meRead MoreHope And Faith Can Endure And Conquer : 12 Years A Slave1263 Words   |  6 Pages 12 Years a Slave is a historical film adapted from the slave narrative memoir of 1853. The 12 Years a Slave is stirred by an African-American man by the name Solomon Northup who in 1841 was kidnapped while in Washington D.C and later forced into slavery. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Analysis of Battle Royal †1 Free Essays

A White Compromise In the short story, â€Å"Battle Royal†, Ralph Ellison uncovers a boy’s fight to maintain his dignity in a world of racial injustice. The first person narration portrays a naive view of the boy’s values of what he believes is important in life that is only questioned by his grandpa’s firm conviction of dignity. On page 39, starting with paragraph 99, the text depicts the differences between the two segregated worlds of black and white. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Battle Royal – 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The text elucidates the boy’s conformity to the wishes of white man. His acceptance of the scholarship symbolizes his acceptance of separation between the two societies as â€Å"it was a scholarship to the state college for Negroes. † Although the boy realizes that whites and blacks are restricted to societal confines that can never merge and never become equal, the boy fails to see the force exercised by the whites that lock him into this box. When he prioritizes materialistic wealth, â€Å"smelling the fresh leather† of the brief case over his own dignity, he resigns himself to the desires of society in that he blinds himself with affluence and thus becomes incapable of realizing his own visions. This is further strengthened by the boy’s quote â€Å"I felt an importance that I had never dreamed† because it implies that he no longer needs his dignity in order to achieve a feeling of success. It provides him with self-respect and happiness that prevent him from questioning the advantages of conformity. Stripped from his pride and naively reaching for wealth he contributes to his own confinement as he goes to â€Å"attend college† in order to â€Å"shape the destiny of [his] people† and thus fulfills the plans of whites. While the boy puts his destiny in the hands of white society, he conforms to the rules of white control. Despite the boy’s conformity to white rule, he continues to struggle in discovering his dignity. The repetition of the word â€Å"blood† serves as an important symbol for the boy’s dignity; it signifies the pride he has in his own race and binds him to his people. However, the boy remains ignorant of this tie and his â€Å"rope of bloody saliva† only forms â€Å"a shape like an undiscovered continent†. This imagery represents the possibility of discovering his own dignity and a new world in which he is free to shape his own destiny. Yet the boy’s blindness leads him to wipe the blood â€Å"quickly away† as it had â€Å"drooled upon the leather† of his brief case, and smeared the desired promises of the white men. The juxtaposition of the line â€Å"I was overjoyed; I did not even mind when I discovered that the gold pieces I had scrambled for were brass pocket tokens advertising a certain make of automobile† strengthens the idea of the boy’s blind struggle for dignity. It connotes that the â€Å"scholarship to the state college for Negroes† he had received is just as fake as the â€Å"brass pocket tokens†, thus symbolizing his reach for a false dignity. The boy’s dream in the following paragraph continues to enhance his internal struggle to find dignity by contrasting his character to that of the grandpa. Through the setting of a circus, the narrator suggests that the boy is merely a clown and compliant to any orders that he is given, while the grandpa, who â€Å"refused to laugh at the clowns no matter what they did,† sticks to the dignity of his race. The juxtaposition of this sentence also shows that the grandpa is not humored by the naivete of the boy; instead he is rather disappointed as the boy is unable to see that he serves as entertainment to society. Unlike his wizened grandfather, the boy idealistically believes any promise given to him, â€Å"another and another, endlessly† until his dignity is consumed by the will of white men. The boy is so occupied in reaching these promises that he â€Å"would fall of weariness† before he could realize that the further he reached, the more distant he was from discovering his dignity. While society wants to â€Å"‘Keep This Nigger-Boy Running’† by undermining his dignity with the false glamour of a scholarship, the boy realizes that the whites only give him what he thinks he wants; means to attain racial equality as a return for complacency. However, what he truly desires is break free from being oppressed and gain equal status through demonstrating that his intellect and abilities are equivalent to that of the whites. Because â€Å"at that time [he] had no insight into its meaning,† he had to compromise between what society could offer him and his dignity. Nonetheless, the authorial intrusion demonstrates that the narrator gained extensive perspective on his former naivete when telling his story; thus the reader can infer that the boy no longer sees any value in the conformation to white society. The trade-off between his dignity and false glamour is similar to the zero sum theory in that it takes power from one entity and puts it in the hands of another. Every time the boy conforms to the wishes of white society he gives up some of his dignity, similarly when he strives to find his dignity he gives up his willingness to conform to ways of the white men. In the end, his realization depicts him choosing his dignity above all as illustrated by the last line â€Å"First I had to attend college†. Therefore, the boy’s struggle to discover his dignity is resolved through his gain of power that allows him to shape his own destiny and simultaneously break free of white oppression. How to cite Analysis of Battle Royal – 1, Essay examples